Reversing the brain drain should be a key priority for the next crop of leaders - Hon Okufuwa Samad Oluwatoyin
Keeping Nigeria’s best brains in the country has been described has one the most important priorities that should be tackled by the next crop of political and decision makers in the country.
The above position was postulated by Hon Okufuwa Samad Oluwatoyin in a press statement on Monday morning. The politician said that the increasing numbers of educated Nigerians migrating out of the country is becoming alarming, a trend he asserted must be put to a halt if there will be any meaningful growth and development.
Furthermore, hon Okufuwa Samad Oluwatoyin attributed the decline in the key sectors of health, banking, the judiciary and others to the syndrome that is now tagged as the "japa" syndrome. He then advanced the urgent need to retain our bright minds for the country to be able to move out of its current quagmire.
In addition he added that it is quite disheartening that the country seem to undervalue its human resources which is actually it's strength and most important component for growth and development. Hon Okufuwa Samad Oluwatoyin went further to say that any country that is unable to provide a conducive environment for its best brains to thrive and contribute to the development of that country is dying, hence the desperate need for the country to get things right in the coming elections.
What's more, he added that in both America and the United Kingdom about 80% of black doctors are Nigerians which has almost left the health system in Nigeria in comatose.
In conclusion, he then went ahead to suggest that the only way to halt this exodus of our best brains to foreign countries is to strive to replicate here at home the conditions that lure them to other countries, especially by providing steady power supply, quality educational and professional training, gainful employment opportunities, conducive working environment and security of lives and property as well as readiness to invest in research and technology.
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