Yewande Adekoya Abiodun’s Solicitor Sends Letter of Redress to Journalist Kemi Ashefon

31st December, 2017 The CEO, Kemiashefonlovehaven Lagos, State. Attention: Mrs. Kemi Ashefon RE: LIBELOUS AND SCANDALOUS PUBLICATION AGAINST THE PERSON OF MRS YEWANDE ADEKOYA ABIODUN POPULARLY KNOWN AS “OMO ELEMOSHO”. The above captioned refers. Please be informed that we are the retained solicitors to Mrs Yewande Adekoya Abiodun popularly known as “Omo Elemosho” herein called our “Client” and on whose instruction we write. You will recall you made several libelous, untrue and obviously sponsored publications concerning our client on 26th and 27th December, 2017 wherein you claimed inter alia that she was being incarcerated by the authorities of the United State of America for credit card fraud related offences. It will be of interest to know that your claims are false, malicious and baseless. However, for proper understanding and comprehension of the events as stated by you, we shall however break it down to aid the proper delivery of our rejoinder. BACKGROUND: Our...